Senior STEPS Fit

This class is designed for the mature participant who wants to improve Strength, Balance and Flexibility.

These Social Group Exercise Sessions are run by Kinesiologist, Sandra Sheffield-Young (the Creator of the SAM STEPS To Exercise Programs) and her team of Qualified Trainers every Tuesday morning at 9:30 am. Please call for location.

The 60 minute class alternates between sitting and standing exercises.  All exercises are modified to meet the participant’s ability level.  Each participant is required to bring his/her own equipment which includes a barbell of appropriate weight, a dyna band and an ankle weight.  If you are unsure of the purchase of these items, please do not hesitate to contact Sandra at STEPS and we can arrange the equipment purchase for you.

To participate, STEPS requires you to complete a Health History Questionnaire, Informed Consent Form and gain Physician’s Consent.

The class has a Fall session, Winter session with a Christmas and New Year’s Break and a Spring session.  The class does not run in July or August.

Prices and registration dates vary each year so please refer to the STEPS Event Calendar or Contact Us the STEPS Team.

Physically, I feel better and am very comfortable in a class where perfection is secondary to doing the best you can.
Ray Walker
I exercise because its good for my mind, my body and for my general well-being. I also love to walk when its nice but its too difficult in the winter, so my exercise class keeps me moving to the music.
The Exercise class encourages me to get up in the morning and keep going, the exercises help keep my bones strong and my balance has improved, I enjoy it!
No regrets that I chose to stop being a couch potato and get back into the real world. The Exercise class gives me an entirely different perspective on life!
Hazel Synder , Exercise Enthusiast age 88

Group Fitness Goals

  • Develop Strength
  • Reduce Your Risk of Falling
  • Maintain Your Ability to do all the Things You Want to do!
  • Have Fun!
  • Socialize! Oh, and did we mention SOCIALIZE!